I did however run a game at MayDay 2012! The new venue was great. Lots of room, lots of tables, lots of games. Well done by those involved. I must say that some of the Warhammer 40K stuff looked fantastic! I wonder if I could use some of those drop ships for an allied WW2 Normandy landing.......
Thanks to the Mayday convention I was sorting through my miniatures stuff and found all those misplaced 10mm figures I was fretting about!
My WW2 Poles, Germans and unpainted British may see a table top some time this year!
I ran a 10mm IABSM game. Scenario 4 in the IABSM rulebook called a Canadian VC. It was a Canadian vs. the Germans action at St. Lambert-sur-dives. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so no pics.
So here's looking forward! I need to get some more 10mm units painted for some IABSM games I hope to run during our EWG game nights. I really need to get a better handle on the rules and the only was to do that is through playing games.....